What have you done?

What have you done?

Recent work in The Lincoln Review, Tears in the Fence; forthcoming work in the Georgia Review, VOLT, Ecotone, and Paiduema, among other places. Online work to check out:

"Answers" & “Virus” & “Le Seducteur” & “The Surface"House" & The Diagram

a Sound uttered, a Silence crossed

Work for choir and percussion, composed by Nathan Davis...

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With Angela Hume (and Afton Wilky): a special issue of The Volta (January 2014) devoted to trash—with contributions from Alice Notley, CA Conrad, Frances Richard, Brenda Hillman, Marthe Reed, Elena Rivera, Ted Mathys…and many many wonderful others…


“She appears to be recognized as herself and not herself, new because endlessly recycled, not what she was but not what she will be – see? Not married and not not married, the processional’s a ritual meant to extend a magical present, until the head of this pin is the size of a rented hall and all of us angels stepping out on the long blank train of her on-going gown. To go in single and come married out is easy enough, what matters is to enlarge the interstitial, to live as long as we can in the not exactly no longer and the not quite not yet also. Where organ music drowns the ill-digested vows and the empty stomach growls. Hesitant. The BND goes down slow as a pill we can’t really swallow, stuck chunk in a stalled gulp between yesterday and tomorrow, at one and the same time belated and punctual...” Try: Bride of the New Dawn